The Good Slice

Hosting a Fundraiser: A Recipe for Success

Fundraisers are an excellent way to bring communities together for a common cause while enjoying a fun and engaging event. If you’re looking for a venue that combines delicious food and a lively atmosphere, Peter Piper Pizza could be the perfect choice. Hosting a fundraiser at Peter Piper not only helps raise funds for your cause but also offers an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Let’s explore the ingredients for a successful fundraiser:

  1. Choose Peter Piper Pizza as Your Venue
    Peter Piper Pizza is a family-friendly restaurant known for its tasty pizzas, exciting games, and a welcoming atmosphere. Selecting this venue for your fundraiser ensures an enjoyable time for participants, making them more likely to attend and support your cause.
  2. Plan Ahead and Coordinate with Peter Piper Pizza
    Reach out to the Field Marketing Specialists at Peter Piper Pizza to discuss your fundraising event. Work closely with them to set a date and time that works best for both parties. Coordination is key to ensuring a smooth and successful event.
  3. Promote Your Fundraiser
    Spread the word about your event to maximize attendance. Utilize various marketing channels such as social media, flyers, and community bulletin boards. Clearly state the purpose of the fundraiser, the date, time and location at Peter Piper Pizza.
  4. Create a Fundraising Strategy
    Work with the Field Marketing Specialist to determine the fundraising approach that suits your cause. Peter Piper Pizza offers different options, such as a percentage night where 15-20%* of sales go to your cause, or you can also raise funds to purchasing large pizzas at a discount price to resell at festivals, movie nights to name a few. Choose the one that aligns with your fundraising goals.
  5. Engage Attendees
    Encourage attendees to actively participate in the fundraiser. Engage them by organizing fun activities, games or challenges at the venue. Make sure to explain how their support directly impacts your cause, encouraging a sense of community and purpose.
  6. Express Gratitude and Provide Updates
    After the event, express your gratitude to Peter Piper Pizza for their support and thank attendees for their participation. Share updates on the amount raised and how it will be used to further your cause. Transparency helps build trust and encourages continued support.
  7. Follow-Up and Stay Connected
    Maintain the momentum by staying connected with attendees through newsletters, social media updates or future events. Let them know how their contributions made a difference and how they can continue supporting your cause.

Hosting a fundraiser at Peter Piper Pizza can be a recipe for success, combining the joy of great food, games and community. With careful planning, effective communication, and engaging activities, you can create a memorable event that not only raises funds but also fosters a sense of togetherness for a worthy cause. Bon appetit to a successful fundraising event at Peter Piper Pizza!

*pre-tax sales from food, non-alcohol beverages and funpass purchases.
